Become an author at NativeBase Market

Start earning by building React Native based UI & Backend products.

NativeBase has been part of React Native ecosystem for long and now we are taking it to the next level with opening NativeBase Market to authors.

App to be registered as a vendor. You can share your idea on what you'll be building and we'll review that.

  • The item has to be built upon React Native.
  • The item you intend to sell must be your own creation and you have the licensing rights.
  • The item to be sold on NativeBase Market must be exclusive i.e. you cannot sell the item anywhere else.

The author will have a commission of flat 70% of the list price of his/her product.

  • No minimum number of sales required.

Our Authors Experience

So, excited about the product you want to sell? Share your project concept with us

For a detailed idea on the whole thing, refer this page. There's pretty much everything there.

Have any questions?